Namira Danllis Admin replied

399 weeks ago

A free company is it's members.

Many of us are constantly working on different aspects of the free company to build, help it to grow and keep it running. A lot of things happen behind the scenes or in small groups and the rest of the group is not aware of it.

Here is our place to honor those efforts!

last edited 398 weeks ago by Namira Danllis

Namira Danllis Admin replied

398 weeks ago

This listing is a work in progress and may contain incomplete information. Only current members listed. (if you know of something that should be mentioned, please send a pm on discord.)

*Items will not be listed in any specific order or importance. Alts will not be listed, People who have had character name changes may find their information delayed.


as of September

Al' Wesker/Charrisa - helped with FC project progressions

Batzmaru Baruha - made suggestions for bettering the FC, provided items for crafting kits

Bayar Mierqid - made suggestions for bettering the FC

Flynn Ravenholdt - helped decorate the FC house, helped by crafting for others

Jaredin Snow - policy making, helped with FC project progressions, made suggestions for bettering the FC, leadership council (pre-June)

Lena Oxton - donations of gil towards FC house purchase (major contributor)

Meanie Greywolfe - provided raw materials for bonus wheels, helped with FC project progressions, helped organize discord

Namira Dan'llis - I'm authoring this post, and have a conflict of interest listing my own contributions. Thank you to the group for letting me help.

Neelia Lyrahma - provided building materials for airships, donations of gil towards FC house purchase, provided FC with raw materials for bonus wheels, helped with FC project progressions, provided crafting kits for others, helped by crafting for others

Reiji Nightforde - sending out airships to discover sectors, helped by crafting for others, provided FC with raw materials for bonus wheels, helped with FC project progressions

Sene Zurama - supported leadership, provided FC with raw materials for bonus wheels, grew crops for the FC, helped with FC project progressions, helped organize discord, website

Viceroy Slacaeloix - logo, discord voice server provision and admin, website admin, videos, streams, leadership council (pre-June), leadership (current) policy making, donations of raw materials to FC. policy making.

Xaden Bajhiri - provided FC with raw materials for bonus wheels, helped with FC project progressions

Yerentai Ejinn - made suggestions for bettering the FC

Yunie Chan - leadership council (pre-June), leadership (current), donations of gil towards FC house purchase, provided building materials for airships, donations of gil towards FC house purchase, provided FC with raw materials for bonus wheels, helped with FC project progressions, provided crafting kits for others, website, policy making

Verifying data for:

Aeredon Dragonmire
Alayane Tayuun
Davy Maddox
Eyahna Oriens
Grant Farglen
Hiioryuu Hasaki
Kazuto Tsukino
Keiko Ayano
Kiritsugu Emiya
Rensa Kahensei
Riek Del'anor
Seraphiel Hallowfell
Syll Celes
Valore Hildegarde
Yasei Viqquo

Viceroy Slacaeloix Admin replied

362 weeks ago

June 2017

While I posted this recently on Facebook, I wanted to give each and every one of you an honorable mention. All of you - especially as of late - have been amazing. The Free Company is in an excellent place and that is all because of you. Not only have you been great players, but you've been amazing friends and that's more than you may realize. You've helped make this Company a warm and welcoming place.

You should be very proud of yourselves. The group has come a long way.
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